Thursday, April 28, 2011

Dayton's News Source :: Top Stories - Fmr. WHIO Reporter Sallie Taylor Needs Your Help

Dayton's News Source :: Top Stories - Fmr. WHIO Reporter Sallie Taylor Needs Your Help

Here is the link to the story with Ally (and me). My thoughts on the story are this:

1. They did an incredible job with the story. Even digging through my blog and finding pictures to put out there that really painted the picture of what we went through. Ally's fave nurse Rachelle, with her radiation tech Crystal (in her MASK!), and all those days of being skinny and bald. It brought it all back for me.

2. The Moms for Miracles group really cares and there was Sallie getting all choked up (Kathy and I did too, but they didn't show that)

3. I was so worried about Ally speaking...she is so quiet...but they got some great bits from her. She has had to grow up way too fast as a result of all of this has had to put herself out there a lot in the public eye. I am so proud of her. She does it well. And she looked cute with the close up on her freckles...

4. I have watched it numerous times, each time it makes me cry more. I STILL cannot believe that this happened to our daughter. It is almost like looking into a snowglobe into my world from the outside in disbelief. I can't really explain it.

5. And speaking of disbelief, I have been praying so much for all of the tornado victims down in AL and GA. My friend Erin Cobb lives in Birmingham and I would like to hear she is ok??? It just goes to show, yet again, that your world can change in an instant. We have spent two years fighting for Ally's life and in two minutes lives ended with those tornados. Sad.

Thank you Kathy, Sallie, and everyone who helped make that story. We are one step closer to more people understanding the impact that blood cancers (all cancers) can have on families like mine.


  1. It really was a wonderful news piece. I completely understand the snowglobe effect....that makes perfect sense to me, and it's a great visual.


  2. Janel, thank you so much for posting the video. It is so great to be able to see and hear all the wonderful things people are doing even if we are miles away. Great news on the counts and I thought both you and Ally did very well in the interview. Keep up the good work, I love Ally's curls. Lots of good thoughts and prayers coming your way.

  3. I love the freckles, the message of hope and the mention of prayer. You were great. Look at how far you have come!

